Production Exercise HW 2 - Linguistics 341

Please record yourself producing the tokens in the sound files below, from Sindhi, Lakhota, Malayalam, Xhosa and the Production Exercises in the Course in Phonetics textbook. Specific instructions for this exercise--along with phonetic transcriptions for each item--are given in the following .pdf file:


All sound files are in .wav format, which should play in your browser or Praat. Please let me know as soon as possible if you have any difficulty listening to or downloading the sound files. Also please let me know if you have any questions about the assignment, or any technical difficulties recording yourself producing these items.

Here is the zip folder with all the recordings

All recordings.

And here are the sound files, individually:

#1: Production Token #1

#2: Production Token #2

#3: Production Token #3

#4: Production Token #4

#5: Production Token #5

#6: Production Token #6

#7: Production Token #7

#8: Production Token #8

#9: Production Token #9

#10: Production Token #10

#11: Production Token #11

#12: Production Token #12

#13: Production Token #13

#14: Production Token #14

#15: Production Token #15

#16: Production Token #16

#17: Production Token #17

#18: Production Token #18

#19: Production Token #19

#20: Production Token #20

#21: Production Token #21

#22: Production Token #22

#23: Production Token #23

#24: Production Token #24

#25: Production Token #25

These exercises are due on Monday, February 28th, 2022, by 11:59 pm.

Please upload your PEX recordings to D2L!